From: Nic Peters <nicp@IOWACUBS.COM>
Date: September 24, 2018 at 12:32:29 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: 2019 Iowa Cubs Stadium Operations Internship
Reply-To: Nic Peters <nicp@IOWACUBS.COM>
Hey everyone,
I hope this email finds you well. It is time to start searching for our 2019 intern class and I really appreciated the great response we had last year from everyone. We ended up having interns from the University of Florida, Texas Tech, Miss, St., Indiana, Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Coastal Carolina, and Niagara University thanks to all of you. If you could please pass this email on again to your students I would greatly appreciate it. Below I have outlined who I am and a little about our internship.
My name is Nic Peters and I am a Stadium Operations Manager with the Iowa Cubs in Des Moines, Iowa. I was informed that this email list might be a good way to get the message out about out internship openings for the 2019 season. If any of you on this list are facility or advisors of students looking for an Internship opportunity for this coming Spring/Summer please have them contact myself. Interviews will begin in October
Thank you all for taking the time to read this email. In the next paragraph I have put the description for our internship for any of you that are interested. If you could please spread that word I would greatly appreciate it as I believe diversity, not only in people but national diversity from different educations, can only make our internship stronger. Thank you and have a great day!
Stadium Operations
Assist with all aspects of facility operations and facility management with Iowa Cubs baseball games as well as outside events such as high school games and non-profit events at Principal Park. Participate in game-day activities, specifically on-field promotions and the set up of client-sponsored promotions. Provide daily housekeeping and maintenance in the stadium, offices, skyboxes and restaurant. Assist in the operation of the team mascot Cubbie Bear as well as game-day event staff such as parking attendants, ushers, security, 50/50 Raffle and first aid. Interns must be willing to work long, non traditional hours including weekends and holidays.
Nic Peters
Iowa Cubs
Stadium Operations Manager
Office: (515) 280 2645
Cell: (712) 301 4299